Live Your Potential Blog

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Beyond the Comfort Zone

Are you living life the way that you want to? Do you wake up every morning excited and happy to start your day?  Or, do you force yourself to get up, tackle your daily routine and grin and bear it? I have definitely been there, done that. The number one thing that has helped me to change my attitude everyday is being aware of the potential I have inside to create the type of life I want for myself and my family.

Many of us say that we are sick and tired of the way our life is going.  However, how tired are we really? If you have been trying to accomplish something more for your life, and you’re not seeing results, you may have gotten accustomed to just complaining about it.  Although we may not like complaining or listening to the complaints of others, they are familiar and comfortable to us like an old habit.  Knowing that is wonderful, because we have the power inside to change our habits, the power to acquire skills and the power to choose our attitude, our happiness and our success! 

Stop complaining about what hasn’t happened and what you want to happen or who is keeping you from making it happen. Get up, get moving and make it happen!  You can accomplish whatever it is you set out to do! You are capable of more than you realize! You must challenge yourself!  

Challenging yourself a little everyday will help you to see the potential that exists within your life. 
Several years ago, Jazz musician, Herbie Hancock mentioned on a television program, “… as soon as people latch on to something where people will say hey that’s really good, then they want to stay there because that’s security, that’s acceptance and they feel comfortable…they don’t want to move outside of their comfort zone, but the hip stuff is outside of the comfort zone.

The successful life of your dreams, the “hip stuff” is right outside of your comfort zone.  Now is the time to get rid of the complaints, Challenge yourself, live your potential and create the successful life you desire!

“You don’t make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining.  You make progress by implementing ideas. – Shirley Chisholm

“It’s important to be able to step outside your comfort zone and be challenged with something you’re not familiar or accustomed to.  That challenge will allow you to see what you can do.” – J. R. Martinez

“You’ve got to go out on a limb sometimes because that is where the fruit is.” – Will Rogers

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