Live Your Potential Blog

Friday, December 29, 2017

Want More Happiness in Your Life? Create Your Own!

In 1958 Moreese Bickham was sentenced to death after being falsely convicted of murder. For 14 years and seven stays of execution he lived on death row, in solitary confinement, for 23 hours a day. In total, he was incarcerated for over 37 years before being exonerated and walking away a free man in 1996. Upon his release, he was quoted as saying:

“I don’t have one minute’s regret. It was a glorious experience.”

Have you ever met someone who experienced a terrible event or a discouraging setback and, instead of complaining about it, they concluded they’re better off in the end?

Whether it’s a toxic relationship, a life-threatening illness or, in the case of Mr. Bickham, being wrongly convicted of a crime, certain people somehow manage to experience happiness and gratitude when they don’t get what they want in life.

  •          Are they delusional?
  •          Are they in denial?
  •          Are they living a Pollyanna existence or perhaps merely crazy?

According to Harvard University social psychologist Dan Gilbert, people who are able to frame a terrible experience in a positive light are far from crazy. They’re simply in touch with their capacity to synthesize their own happiness.

Synthesized happiness is the capacity within the human brain to feel happy about an unexpected or unwanted outcome. It’s happiness we ‘create’ when we don’t get what we want. The Bickhams of the world aren’t crazy, in denial, or rationalizing their experiences – they’re merely displaying the ability to create their own happiness.

It’s easy to feel happy when we get what we’re after in life: the dream vacation, a bigger salary, earning a degree, becoming physically fit. But what happens when life hands us a situation that’s less than ideal?

While we can’t always get what we want, it’s possible to learn how to like what we get. During his incarceration, bitterness and anger could have consumed Moreese Bickham. Instead, he seized the experience as an opportunity and learned leather making, worked in the visitor’s center, maintained a garden, and became an ordained minister.

His happiness was determined by his behavior, how he perceived his relationships, experiences, and circumstances.

Creating your own happiness isn’t about fooling yourself, settling, rationalizing, or living in denial. It’s about finding what to like about a particular situation and realizing that even the worst circumstances bring with it something to be positive about.

Most of us will never experience the kind of injustice Mr. Bickham did, but the world is full of uncertainty. Even under normal circumstances it’s human nature to overestimate our desired outcomes and, by extension, overestimate the happiness we expect to experience in any given situation. That can lead to a lot of disappointment.

Synthesizing happiness allows us to accept the uncertainly and disappointment by manifesting positive thoughts when things go wrong. When we’re better able to accept uncertainty and setbacks, or even welcome them, happiness can flourish.

People who are able to find hope in hopeless situations tend to be healthier, have more positive relationships, and live longer. These people aren’t faking it – they genuinely believe things worked out for the better.

No situation is all good or all bad. The key to synthesizing your own happiness is to look for the good in every event and circumstance. Practicing synthesized happiness lets us see a less than ideal situation in a new, positive light. Moreese Bickham’s experience is proof that happiness is achievable under any conditions. He created his own happiness by making the best of his circumstances and you can too.

The next time you find yourself feeling like you’re in a terrible situation ask yourself, what’s one positive thing I can take away from this situation? Once you come up with one good thing ask yourself, what’s another good thing about this situation? This triggers the mind to create alternative perspectives and focus on the positive.

It’s no secret that life is full of challenges, disappointments, and heartbreak. Having the ability to interpret less-than-ideal outcomes in a positive light – to create your happiness no matter how dire the situation you face - makes it easier to focus on the bright side of life and experience more joy.

As the New Year is approaching, it’s time to position yourself for a happy and successful year ahead. The next time you find yourself missing out on the happiness you want, take charge and create it yourself – it will be a glorious experience!

JoAnn Youngblood King, CTA Certified Success Coach, Author, Speaker and Owner of Live Your Potential is a member of Coach Training Alliance, and The International Association of Coaches. She specializes in working with mom entrepreneurs to find the time needed to start their business or take their existing business to the next level. To reach your immediate goals get strategic steps by subscribing to her newsletter to the right. For ways of achieving goals with your faith, JoAnn's book, Live Your Potential and Let Your Faith Lead You to Success available on Amazon.

Friday, December 1, 2017

Truth: You are Resource and Power Full

If I asked you whether you wanted to be rich and successful, what would your answer be?

I'm sure that most people would answer yes to that question.  The next question I would ask is: Are you willing to do the necessary work to be rich and successful?

I believe there will be a lot less yeses to that question.

I remember having a conversation with a friend who shared a children's story with me that she had written. I thought it was wonderful! She loved writing and most of her stories were created to encourage young girls. She thought about starting a business and becoming a published author. Of course, I encouraged her to do just that.

However, she had many reasons why she would not succeed. What she told herself about not being able to succeed became her self-fulfilling prophecy.

I want you to know that the reasons you have for not being able to succeed are right. While those reasons you may have for not being able to achieve your dreams and goals may seem real, they don’t have to be. They're only real because you make it so.

When you do not accomplish a goal it is usually because of one of these areas:

  •          Clarity
  •          Resources
  •          Time
  •          Money
  •          Knowledge

You are very powerful! Think about it...I’m sure there have been times that you wanted something so bad and you decided no matter what, you were going to have it.

What happened? You did it.

Think of a vacation you wanted to go on or a pair of shoes or electronics equipment you had to have. You may be saying, well those things are easy to obtain. Well, not for some. Truth is you accessed resources to make these purchases.

It may take someone three years to save up for the vacation of their dreams while some can do it in a months’ time. The good thing is that we all have the same potential for success.

Obviously, we all have different circumstances. However, if you are determined and willing to take the necessary steps to tap into that potential, you can achieve your desired level of success.

It’s time to start telling yourself something different! Tell yourself reasons why your dreams and goals WILL work! Anything is possible! You can achieve great things! Keep that in mind and Live Your Potential.

“The only person you are destined become is the person you decide to be.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.” – Henry Ford

JoAnn Youngblood King, CTA Certified Success Coach, Author, Speaker and Owner of Live Your Potential is a member of Coach Training Alliance, and The International Association of Coaches. She specializes in identifying resources helping mom entrepreneurs to find the time needed to start their business or take their existing business to the next level.
She is also a business trainer, guiding entrepreneurs on the steps to starting their own business and achieving dreams of becoming a published author.
Get strategic steps and reach your immediate goals by subscribing to her newsletter to the right. For ways of achieving goals with your faith, JoAnn's book, Live Your Potential and Let Your Faith Lead You to Success available on Amazon.