Live Your Potential Blog

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Open the Door to your Passion

There are many people who say that they don’t know what their passion is.  Finding your passion can be as simple as opening a door. On this side of the door, you are not aware of your passion. Just on the other side is your mission, your life calling, your passion! All you have to do is open the door.

In order to become aware of your passion, you must take action. Taking action is key! Opening a door is an action. You have to put your hand on the knob, turn it and pull. Some doors have to be pushed open. In any case, some action must be taken to get to the other side.  Becoming aware of your passion is all about taking action doing things you love to do.
Another thing you must do is to acknowledge that your passion already exists.  It's interesting that for those who say they don't know what their passion is, they do have an idea about what it is not. What do you love to do? What would you rather be doing with your time? What brings you joy? Answering questions like these will help you to become aware of your passion.  Also, keep in mind that we are creative. We create with our words, thoughts and actions. It will be helpful to change your language about "finding your passion".  Start by acknowledging that you do know what your passion is, because you really do! Create an affirmation or declaration to repeat. For example, "I am becoming more aware of my passion everyday." Realize that saying you have not "found" your passion is saying that it is somewhere outside of you. Please look within!

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." -- Harold Whitman

"Without passion man is a mere latent force and possibility, like the flint which awaits the shock of the iron before it can give forth its spark." -- Amiel

"The more intensely we feel about an idea or a goal, the more assuredly the idea, buried deep in our subconscious, will direct us along the path to its fulfillment." -- Earl Nightingale

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Are You Making Effort?

You have the potential for great success! What are you doing with that potential? Have you made any effort toward living your potential? Most people want to be successful; they want to be happy and have the freedom to live their lives any way they want to. However, how many of us actually make the effort necessary to achieve the level of success we desire?

There may be tons of reasons people have for not being able to accomplish their goals and dreams. I'm sure you may have some of your own. Please realize that no matter how many obstacles you believe are standing in the way of your dreams and goals, it is still possible for you to accomplish them! All it takes is consistent effort on your part. First, keep in mind the great potential you already have; second, draw on your faith and take steps every day toward your goals, no matter how small; and third, never, never give up!

Please make dazzling effort toward your success! Make a list of at least three things you can do this week towards your success. Also, when making efforts to accomplish your goals, one very important thing to remember is to get help and support!

"You have to put in many, many, many tiny efforts that nobody sees or appreciates before you achieve anything worthwhile." -- Brian Tracy

"In all human affairs there are efforts and there are results, and the strength of the effort is the measure of the result." -- James Allen

Thursday, June 14, 2012

You are Creative!

You are a creative human being. You can figure out a way to get through and solve anything, if that is your desire. I'm sure you have done things in your life that you didn't think you would be able to do. Well, why were you able to do those things? Because you wanted to do it regardless of anything that stood in your way.  There were many times that I've thought to myself, "How am I going to find the time to do everything on my agenda!" Then, somehow, because of my determination, I found the time to get everything done.   

Have you ever decided to purchase something and you knew you would have to take the money from your savings in order to do it? You may have thought to yourself "Oh, I can put extra into my savings next month". Whether that is the best course of action or not is a personal thing. However, the point is, you found a way to get what you wanted done. Well, that is called using your creativity.

If you have a goal to reach or a great idea, get moving on it! Make it happen! Only see yourself succeeding! Put your creativity to work! If you are determined to make it work, it will.

When I was working on the cover design for my book, my plan was to have a mirror on the cover.  By adding the mirror, I wanted the reader to know that the person holding and reading the book is "the next top success story".  I looked around for publishers and designers that would help me with my vision of having a mirror on the cover. When I was ready to publish the book, I still had not found a way to have a mirror on the cover.  I didn't let anything stop me from having it the way I wanted. I simply allowed my creative juices to flow and decided to order mirrored labels to put on each book manually. Even though, my book is being sold at different stores online without the actual mirrored label, my clients and those who order directly from me, have mirrored labels on their books.

Please realize that you have the potential to create the type of success you desire. You are naturally creative. Turn any challenges you are faced with into opportunties to use your creativity.

"I merely took the energy it takes to pout and wrote some blues." -- Duke Ellington

"When starting out, don't worry about not having enough money.  Limited funds are a blessing, not a curse.  Nothing encourages creative thinking in quite the same way." -- H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Thursday, June 7, 2012 with the New

When I wrote the next top success story, my intention was to encourage people to realize that they can be the next top success story if they choose to be. I simply wanted to share what I learned over the years, which is, that we have the potential to be, do and have anything.

Someone mention to me recently that "the government" was the reason why "poor people" remained poor. What I realized in hearing this statement is that some people have become accustomed to giving up their power. I have been on the self empowerment and spiritual path for quite some time and my circle of friends and acquaintances share my views. It seemed odd to hear a statement like that. For years, I have been actively working on myself, staying in the positive, being strong in my faith and helping others. The reality is that there are still many people who feel they have no power.

I have accomplished many things in my life because I made a choice to believe what I heard about human potential and then took action based on that belief.  Please realize that challenging yourself a little everyday will help you to see the great potential that exits within your life.

Now is the time to let go of the old way and focus on a new way!  As the saying goes, "out with the old and in with the new". Get rid of your old way of thinking, acting and doing!  Often times our thoughts, words and actions can limit us from accomplishing our goals.  I was speaking to someone who expressed that they were unhappy with a business relationship. She mentioned a request she made to someone and how she wasn't getting the response she wanted. I asked if maybe she could communicate her request in another way. She replied "Well, that's the say I speak and that's just the way I am!" Based on that reply, she will never get the response she is looking for.

If you want to get something different in life, you must do something different! Please realize that you were given the power to make choices. Choose to make the necessary changes that will give you the results you desire. You have the potential inside for success. When you start to live your life with that awareness, you will experience great things.

"Courage is the power to let go of the familiar." -- Raymond Lindquist

"The harder you fight to hold on to specific assumptions, the more likely there's gold in letting go of them." -- John Seely Brown

"Being stuck is a position few of us like.  We want something new but cannot let go of the old - old ideas, beliefs, habits, even thoughts.  We are out of contact with our own genius.  Sometimes we know we are stuck; sometimes we don't.  In both cases we have to DO something." -- Rush Limbaugh

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You have the potential inside for success!
 Realize it! Believe it!
 Find out how to unleash it!

“The Next Top Success Story is an uplifting read, JoAnn Youngblood King teaches you how to feel good about being you and through practical exercises she shows you how to make others feel good about you too!”
Greg Reid,Author, Speaker, Filmmaker, The Millionaire Mentor, Positive Impact, Pass It On