One of my clients told me about a situation she experienced that left her feeling hurt, angry and upset. When something is done to you, especially by someone very close to you, it is understandable that it will hurt. Sometimes you are in shock and it is the only thing that seems to stay on your mind. When this happens, you must do something to make yourself feel good.
The importance of feeling good was one of the biggest lessons I learned from the DVD movie "The Secret" several years ago. When we feel good we tend to create and experience more of what feels good. I know this may sound way too simple to be true, however if you believe in the simple principle of what you give you will receive, it's not a very hard concept to grasp.
Why do we allow ourselves to hold on to and agonize over a bad situation when what we really want is to feel good? We must learn to flip the feeling! Please realize that you have the power to change the way you feel about anything! Depending on the situation, it may take a little work; however, it can be done. When you are not releasing anger, resentment and hurt feelings, it is only hurting you. Flip the feeling! Determine that you will feel good no matter what! Feeling good is the springboard to having a successful life.
Here are a few tips to help you "Flip the Feeling" when you are going through an unpleasant situation:
- Pray – Praying about the situation is the first place to start because you are communicating that you want to feel better and you truly want the situation to be resolved.
- Surrender – Once you pray, you must let go. Practicing surrender helps you to stop worrying, complaining and agonizing over your problems.
- Forgive – When someone hurts you, you must forgive them. Remember, forgiveness is for you, not necessarily for the other person.
- Make a Choice – This is the greatest power you have. You can make the choice to stay upset, sad or hurt or, you can take some actions to make yourself feel better.
- Take Positive Action – Read something positive every day, every hour, every minute if you have to. Watch positive videos or movies; Listen to inspiration music; Talk to your coach or someone who you know will encourage and motivate you to get past the bad feeling.
"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned." -- Siddhartha Buddha
"It's really important that you feel good, because this feeling good is what goes out as a signal into the Universe, and starts to attract more of itself to you. So the more you can feel good, the more you will attract the things that help you feel good." -- Dr. Joe Vitale
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