Live Your Potential Blog

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Finding Your Passion

There are many people who are not happy with their current situation.  They would love to take care of themselves and their family without having to go to a job everyday to help someone else’s dream to flourish.  Are you living your dreams and having the success you were born to have?  If not, the good news is that you can! You have the potential inside to be as successful as you want to be! 

Because of my awareness of the potential I have to succeed, I constantly worked on myself and my dreams even though I was working on a job.  When there is something else you believe that you are meant to do with your life, nothing can stand in your way.  We all have no problem finding time to do the things we know and love to do.   A secret to creating the type of success you desire is to simply do what you know and enjoy.  There are many people who say they would love to have their own business, but they don’t know what to do or what their passion is.  Passion is something you don’t have to look for; it’s something you become aware of.  Taking action by doing what you know and enjoy is the way to uncover your strengths, talents and abilities that will lead to your success.  

What do you love to do?  What do you know that will benefit others?  Make a list of at least 20 things you enjoy doing.  Then make a list of at least 10 think you know you can teach others to do.  Once you have completed those lists, see if there is something there that you can start to build on towards your success.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Reach a Goal in 6 Weeks with Email Coaching

My “BE THE NEXT TOP SUCCESS STORY” email coaching program helps individuals reach their short term goals in six weeks. When you have an activity to accomplish, it is easy to feel stalled by doubt, lack of direction or confusion. In my 6-week course, I facilitate clarity that starts you to outline action steps and build confidence that we sometimes diminish subconsciously. Participants in my email coaching program get to experience the active process of working with a success coach for accountability and combining two energies in agreement for you to achieve your goal.

Your goal will be reach by: 
  1. Completing the action steps each week from the coaching assignments
  2. Receive resources that help you get past the blocks that appear to have you stuck
  3. Unlimited access to your success coaching with unlimited emails
"JoAnn, I am happy to say that I have been able to accomplish a lot of what we set out to do. Through your six week coaching program, I was able to take the initiative ....stop feeling sorry for myself...and turn around my situation. Also, I am very grateful for the inspiration I got through your was very helpful. I hope that our relationship can continue although the 6-week program has ended. Thank you very much!" ~ S. Blackman, Barbados

If you are ready and available to take the necessary steps on your customized action plan to check this activity off your list, the time is now. I am ready with the resources to help you cross the finish line for this goal.

 "I am working in the financial industry and recent years I've become a part-time trainer to teach some professional courses in finance. I was invited to speak on a new course in which I was not confident enough to present the contents well. Therefore, I enrolled for JoAnn's email coaching program. Initially, I doubted (not disclosed to her) if email coaching would be as effective as face-to-face one, but JoAnn had made another successful story for me and her!

Her every coaching question, encouraging message or inspiring quote has enriched my mind and charged up my confidence. Finally, I did my new training course and received a very good feedback. I must share this credit with my mentor, Ms. JoAnn Youngblood King.

After completing the coaching sessions with JoAnn, I strongly believe "success" is no longer a scarce resource. A successful coach can ignite success to others like Jesus' miracle of five loaves and two fishes. JoAnn, you said you are proud of me, me too!" ~ J. Tsang, Hong Kong

There are only 25 spaces remaining in this program. If you want to learn quick, easy ways to implement positive changes in your life and realize this aim, this program is for you! Click here to get started now

Friday, October 17, 2014

Goal Setting Activities, Part 3

Are you aware of and grateful for all the gifts you were given? As human beings, we all have the gift of using our imagination. Being able to explore our imagination is another very simple, action step you can take toward accomplishing your goals and dreams.   
There are many things in history that were only imagined and have now become a reality. You can simply talk on the phone while walking down the street or have a face to face meeting with someone in another part of the world, right from the comfort of your home.  Many years ago people would often say in response to someone stating a goal or a dream, "You have as much chance to do that as people have to walk on the moon." At that time, it was unheard of that someone would actually be able to walk on the moon. Who knows what kind of amazing ideas were stopped after hearing a comment like that.

When I was younger, I just thought of my imagination as something that was not here now, and that's it. I remember hearing comments like: "Oh, that's only in your imagination" or "that's some imagination you have there!" To me, my imagination was a silly, unrealistic thought. I definitely didn't get the message that what I imagined should be pursued or better yet, could be achieved. I’m so grateful that I now know different.

Please take time to explore your imagination!  Take some time to write about the type of life you imagine for yourself.  Just give some thought to how you can start making some of what you wrote down a reality.  Imagine the type of day or week you could have; how much money you will make or how your dream home will look.  Remember, what you imagine is possible!  So, with that said, imagine a successful life and go for it!
"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination." - Albert Einstein

Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Power of Intention

The Power of Intentions Book Cover
I hope you are enjoying life and creating success wherever you go! I wanted to share some information with you today about the power of intention.  In his book, The Power of Intention, Dr. Wayne Dyer talks about intention as not just something you do, but as an energy we are part of.  Once you set an intention, you are co-creating events together with that energy, in order to accomplish what you intend.

As I mentioned last week, a couple of months ago, I was given a wonderful opportunity to leave my day job.  I left the beginning of May.  The cool thing about this is that just 3 months before that, I set an intention to leave my day job by September this year.  My desire was to spend more time helping others to succeed.  I’ve set intentions before, however what made this one different were my actions.  I wrote out my Plan of Action; my POA.  It was titled LDJMP, Leave Day Job Master Plan.  I started working on everything I needed to be in place by September.  By using the power of intention, when the opportunity presented itself, I was not only surprised, I was ready and prepared.

Are you prepared for the success you desire? If you were asked to submit pictures of yourself and your product or service for a business magazine, as soon as possible, would you be prepared?  If someone told you about a great business opportunity and to be considered, you needed to submit an updated copy of your resume, and portfolio within 24 hours, would you be prepared?

Ask yourself what do you need to have or do in order to be prepared to succeed.  Are your finances in order?  Is your passport updated? Do you have up to date equipment?  Do you have appropriate business attire?  Please make the intention and get yourself prepared for the success you desire and deserve!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Goal Setting Activities, Part 2

Do you get the support you need?  Most entrepreneurs and success-oriented people have a tendency to do everything themselves.  As a result, we don't know how to ask for support when we need or want it.  In order to be successful, you must be willing to ask for help and support.

You’ll never really know what a person is willing or capable of doing until you ask.  Nothing is too big or too small to ask for if you need it.  Once you have started speaking positively about being able to accomplish your goals, the next action step to take is to get the positive support you need! The more you communicate what your goals and plans are, the more likely you'll achieve them.

Are you around people who really understand what it is you're trying to do with your life? Please realize that it's absolutely necessary to be in the company of people who will support you with your dreams and goals. I'm sure there are times when you may want to share your dreams, goals and ideas with your friends and family. However, they may not have a clear idea of everything you're trying to accomplish and how important it is to you.  At those times, you can benefit from a success coach.  A success coach can help you to close the gap between where you are and where you want to be regarding your life goals.

I've learn that the people in our lives have a tendency to reflect back to us what is already in our thoughts. If you are determined and passionate about having the life you desire, you will attract positive people who are supportive and interested in seeing you succeed.  Similarly, If you have a little doubt or fear about something you may want to pursue, you will find someone to confirm those feelings as well. 

Make sure to get the positive support you need!  Think about someone who you identify as having a positive influence in your life whether you know them personally or not. If you know them already, take some time to speak with them to discuss your goals. If you don't know them personally, get all the information you can to find out how you can arrange a meeting with them.  Remember, you have the potential to attract the positive help and support you need to succeed!