Live Your Potential Blog

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Your Power to Choose

Are you still taking action towards your goals? I hope that you are still choosing to live the life of your dreams. As sure as you are a human being, you have the power to make choices. You made the choice to take the time to read this. We make choices so easily and frequently that we are not aware that we have great deal of control over what we choose.
I had the opportunity to see the movie “Selma”. The movie highlighted the marches that took place in Alabama in 1965 to give blacks the right to vote. The participants in those marches made the choice to take action, no matter how bad it could be for them, to make things better for their lives and ours. Realize that the choices you make not only benefit your life but the lives of others as well. This is especially true for parents. The choices we decide to make most certainly have an effect on our children.

I have accomplished many things in my life because early on I made a choice to believe what I heard about human potential and then took action based on that belief. You can change your life for the better when you first make the choice to. Choose to live your life in a positive way! Choose to accomplish your goals! Choose to win! Choose to be wealthy, healthy and successful, no matter what!

You have the potential inside for great success. Your success is possible! You are capable of doing anything you set out to do. It’s all up to you and the choices you make. Realize that you are the one who makes the choices to live the way you do. Please don’t settle for a life of mediocrity. Choose to let your greatness shine through.

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms - to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way.”~Viktor E. Frankl
“You are capable of more than you know. Choose a goal that seems right for you and strive to be the best, however hard the path. Aim high. Behave honorably. Prepare to be alone at times, and to endure failure. Persist! The world needs all you can give.” ~E. O. Wilson

Thursday, January 22, 2015

What to Do in Life When You Feel Stuck?

Have you started working on your goals for the year? There are times when we just don't know what step to take next or we have fear about moving forward. It is not unusual to hit a wall, so to speak, at various points in our life. Being stuck happens to all of us from time to time. What we must realize is that when making any kind of change in our lives, we will be faced with obstacles.

I’ve felt stuck many times during my life. I’ve thought, how am I ever going to get through this! Fortunately, I’ve also learned that I shouldn’t be concerned about how something is going to happen, just trust that it will happen and keep moving forward toward my goal. So, whenever I find myself stuck in a certain situation, I take whatever action I can to get passed the feeling of being stuck, even if it's something small. I know that I have the potential in my life to get past any obstacle that comes my way. You have that same potential!

The key to getting unstuck is taking action. Do anything. It's that simple. Doing anything gets you going and helps to change your perspective. If you find out that what you're doing is not exactly the right thing to do, you can always change what you're doing. It’s possible that you may need a success coach to help you map out some specific action steps to take toward your goals. Please keep in mind that the key to getting unstuck is taking action. When you do one thing, it leads to another and another and all of a sudden you're not stuck anymore.
“Everyone gets stuck in the process of creating. It’s the great among us who religiously who practice getting unstuck.” Keith Yamashita
“Growth is painful. Change is painful. But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong.” –Mandy Hale

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

4 Steps for Increasing Productivity

It’s so easy to get distracted while in pursuit of an important goal. It seems that while every step ahead may get you closer to your destination, it also presents you with turning points, junctures, and new paths of “opportunity” (which are often distractions in disguise).

Therefore, if you don’t keep your goals in the forefront of your mind and take discernible steps towards them, then invariably something shiny and alluring will knock you off track.

However, there are steps for increasing productivity. To eliminate the ‘shiny object’ syndrome, try these 4 easy strategies to keep moving in the right direction:
  1. Write down your goals.
    We all have heard this…but do we do it? Studies show that by writing your goals down, your chances of success increase exponentially. Putting your goals in writing makes them tangible and reminds you of what you are working toward. Place them where you can see them such as around your computer monitor, on your bathroom mirror, or on your personal altar.

  2. Align your daily choices with your goals.
    Every day, pick one of your goals, and choose 3 things you can do that day to move toward your chosen destination. Put those three things on your “to-do” list, and don’t go to bed until you’ve accomplished them.

  3. Share your goals with someone you trust.
    Create accountability with those closest to you by simply sharing your goals, so when you start to veer off track, they can help you through. This process is a mutual beneficial activity because you are keeping each other focused on your stated goals. An additional benefit of this accountability practice is that it can keep situations in perspective.

  4. Set milestones of success.
    Nothing is more frustrating than feeling like you are not making enough progress towards accomplishing a big goal. Set milestones of success where you can stop, celebrate and reward yourself for your accomplishments. But don’t sit for too long – get started again soon to keep up your momentum.
Every day, everything that you do is either moving you toward or away from your goals. Don’t let temptations, frustrations or the feeling of immediate gratification keep you from achieving what matters most to you. Keeping your goals in the front of your mind will allow you to make the decisions that bring you to the success you desire.

What steps will YOU take for increasing your productivity today?
Post your answer in the comment section below.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The World Needs You

There’s an old story about jazz great, Miles Davis. It’s said that when he was first starting out as a young man in the NYC jazz clubs, he loved the way that Charlie Parker played…so he imitated him. 

One night during a jam session, one of the players said, “Hey Miles, you’re playin’ real good, man! You sound a lot like Bird (Charlie Parker).” Miles was flattered, then the player went on, “We want to hear YOUR thing, though. Bird’s got Bird’s thing covered. What’s yours?” 

From that experience, Miles Davis embraced his true self and his individual talent and went on to have a long, illustrious career, largely defined by his unique sound.

Much like Miles, it is important that you find your unique voice instead of molding to what others think you should be, conforming to societal norms, or playing small because of the criticism of others.  You shine brightest when you embrace our unique gifts, talents, passions and interests…and the world needs you to shine. 

You are truly a unique being.  From the billions of others who have walked this planet, there is not and will not be another like you.  You are unique, you are extraordinary, and you are here for a purpose.  And there are NO mistakes.

Recognize the value you have and do something about it! What are you good at? What do others say you are good at?  Make a list of what you enjoy doing. Look for people who are in need of what you can offer. 

“If you want to be truly successful invest in yourself to get the knowledge you need to find your unique factor. When you find it and focus on it and persevere your success will blossom.” -- Sydney Madwed

“No matter what age you are, or what your circumstances might be, you are special, and you still have something unique to offer. Your life, because of who you are, has meaning.” – Barbara de Angelis