Live Your Potential Blog

Friday, December 29, 2017

Want More Happiness in Your Life? Create Your Own!

In 1958 Moreese Bickham was sentenced to death after being falsely convicted of murder. For 14 years and seven stays of execution he lived on death row, in solitary confinement, for 23 hours a day. In total, he was incarcerated for over 37 years before being exonerated and walking away a free man in 1996. Upon his release, he was quoted as saying:

“I don’t have one minute’s regret. It was a glorious experience.”

Have you ever met someone who experienced a terrible event or a discouraging setback and, instead of complaining about it, they concluded they’re better off in the end?

Whether it’s a toxic relationship, a life-threatening illness or, in the case of Mr. Bickham, being wrongly convicted of a crime, certain people somehow manage to experience happiness and gratitude when they don’t get what they want in life.

  •          Are they delusional?
  •          Are they in denial?
  •          Are they living a Pollyanna existence or perhaps merely crazy?

According to Harvard University social psychologist Dan Gilbert, people who are able to frame a terrible experience in a positive light are far from crazy. They’re simply in touch with their capacity to synthesize their own happiness.

Synthesized happiness is the capacity within the human brain to feel happy about an unexpected or unwanted outcome. It’s happiness we ‘create’ when we don’t get what we want. The Bickhams of the world aren’t crazy, in denial, or rationalizing their experiences – they’re merely displaying the ability to create their own happiness.

It’s easy to feel happy when we get what we’re after in life: the dream vacation, a bigger salary, earning a degree, becoming physically fit. But what happens when life hands us a situation that’s less than ideal?

While we can’t always get what we want, it’s possible to learn how to like what we get. During his incarceration, bitterness and anger could have consumed Moreese Bickham. Instead, he seized the experience as an opportunity and learned leather making, worked in the visitor’s center, maintained a garden, and became an ordained minister.

His happiness was determined by his behavior, how he perceived his relationships, experiences, and circumstances.

Creating your own happiness isn’t about fooling yourself, settling, rationalizing, or living in denial. It’s about finding what to like about a particular situation and realizing that even the worst circumstances bring with it something to be positive about.

Most of us will never experience the kind of injustice Mr. Bickham did, but the world is full of uncertainty. Even under normal circumstances it’s human nature to overestimate our desired outcomes and, by extension, overestimate the happiness we expect to experience in any given situation. That can lead to a lot of disappointment.

Synthesizing happiness allows us to accept the uncertainly and disappointment by manifesting positive thoughts when things go wrong. When we’re better able to accept uncertainty and setbacks, or even welcome them, happiness can flourish.

People who are able to find hope in hopeless situations tend to be healthier, have more positive relationships, and live longer. These people aren’t faking it – they genuinely believe things worked out for the better.

No situation is all good or all bad. The key to synthesizing your own happiness is to look for the good in every event and circumstance. Practicing synthesized happiness lets us see a less than ideal situation in a new, positive light. Moreese Bickham’s experience is proof that happiness is achievable under any conditions. He created his own happiness by making the best of his circumstances and you can too.

The next time you find yourself feeling like you’re in a terrible situation ask yourself, what’s one positive thing I can take away from this situation? Once you come up with one good thing ask yourself, what’s another good thing about this situation? This triggers the mind to create alternative perspectives and focus on the positive.

It’s no secret that life is full of challenges, disappointments, and heartbreak. Having the ability to interpret less-than-ideal outcomes in a positive light – to create your happiness no matter how dire the situation you face - makes it easier to focus on the bright side of life and experience more joy.

As the New Year is approaching, it’s time to position yourself for a happy and successful year ahead. The next time you find yourself missing out on the happiness you want, take charge and create it yourself – it will be a glorious experience!

JoAnn Youngblood King, CTA Certified Success Coach, Author, Speaker and Owner of Live Your Potential is a member of Coach Training Alliance, and The International Association of Coaches. She specializes in working with mom entrepreneurs to find the time needed to start their business or take their existing business to the next level. To reach your immediate goals get strategic steps by subscribing to her newsletter to the right. For ways of achieving goals with your faith, JoAnn's book, Live Your Potential and Let Your Faith Lead You to Success available on Amazon.

Friday, December 1, 2017

Truth: You are Resource and Power Full

If I asked you whether you wanted to be rich and successful, what would your answer be?

I'm sure that most people would answer yes to that question.  The next question I would ask is: Are you willing to do the necessary work to be rich and successful?

I believe there will be a lot less yeses to that question.

I remember having a conversation with a friend who shared a children's story with me that she had written. I thought it was wonderful! She loved writing and most of her stories were created to encourage young girls. She thought about starting a business and becoming a published author. Of course, I encouraged her to do just that.

However, she had many reasons why she would not succeed. What she told herself about not being able to succeed became her self-fulfilling prophecy.

I want you to know that the reasons you have for not being able to succeed are right. While those reasons you may have for not being able to achieve your dreams and goals may seem real, they don’t have to be. They're only real because you make it so.

When you do not accomplish a goal it is usually because of one of these areas:

  •          Clarity
  •          Resources
  •          Time
  •          Money
  •          Knowledge

You are very powerful! Think about it...I’m sure there have been times that you wanted something so bad and you decided no matter what, you were going to have it.

What happened? You did it.

Think of a vacation you wanted to go on or a pair of shoes or electronics equipment you had to have. You may be saying, well those things are easy to obtain. Well, not for some. Truth is you accessed resources to make these purchases.

It may take someone three years to save up for the vacation of their dreams while some can do it in a months’ time. The good thing is that we all have the same potential for success.

Obviously, we all have different circumstances. However, if you are determined and willing to take the necessary steps to tap into that potential, you can achieve your desired level of success.

It’s time to start telling yourself something different! Tell yourself reasons why your dreams and goals WILL work! Anything is possible! You can achieve great things! Keep that in mind and Live Your Potential.

“The only person you are destined become is the person you decide to be.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.” – Henry Ford

JoAnn Youngblood King, CTA Certified Success Coach, Author, Speaker and Owner of Live Your Potential is a member of Coach Training Alliance, and The International Association of Coaches. She specializes in identifying resources helping mom entrepreneurs to find the time needed to start their business or take their existing business to the next level.
She is also a business trainer, guiding entrepreneurs on the steps to starting their own business and achieving dreams of becoming a published author.
Get strategic steps and reach your immediate goals by subscribing to her newsletter to the right. For ways of achieving goals with your faith, JoAnn's book, Live Your Potential and Let Your Faith Lead You to Success available on Amazon.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Explore the Gap Blocking Your Goals

There is a famous quote by Napoleon Hill that says

"What the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve."

If you consider that quote to be true, it’s safe to say that the ideas, goals and dreams you have can be achieve.

Most people know what they want and they are aware of their talents, skills and abilities. However, often times there is a big gap between knowing what they would like to achieve and actually getting to that achievement.

It's time to explore that gap. So, what's in your gap?

During a workshop I held recently, the participants shared many problems and obstacles that create the gap between where they are to where they want to be. While on the surface they may seem like problems and obstacles one can do nothing about, however, they can be overcome.

No matter what your gap consists of, the way to get through to your goal is to explore the gap and work towards resolving each problem one step at a time. You can overcome every block in the way.

Constantly remind yourself that you have the potential to succeed.

We all have different problems. While you are working to resolve your specific problem it’s important that you make sure to never lose sight of your goal no matter what is going on.

You must visualize your goal everyday! To help you visualize, write down your goals or dreams and review them twice daily. Make a vision board or look into some different visualization methods. The more you visualize your dreams and goals, not only will it help you to stay focused on the result you desire, you will see that gap get smaller and smaller until it is gone!

"Review your goals twice everyday in order to be focused on achieving them" – Les Brown

"Visualize this thing that you want, see it, feel it, believe in it. Make a mental blue print, and begin to build." -- Robert Collier

Ready to explore and remove the gaps? Join me for this month's teleseminar:

Saturday, September 23, 2017
11:00AM - 12:30PM EST

Complete the form below
to receive the call-in details

Yes, I'm Ready to Get Rid of What is Blocking My Success!

* indicates required

JoAnn Youngblood King, CTA Certified Success Coach, Author, Speaker and Owner of Live Your Potential is a member of Coach Training Alliance, and The International Association of Coaches. She specializes in working with mom entrepreneurs to find the time needed to start their business or
take their existing business to the next level. To reach your immediate goals get strategic steps by subscribing to her newsletter to the right. For ways of achieving goals with your faith, JoAnn's book, Live Your Potential and Let Your Faith Lead You to Success available on Amazon.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

How to Think and Reach Your Success

Have you reached your level of success? If not, are you on your way? If so, great!

Don't let anything stand in your way.

If the answer is no, there is no reason why you shouldn't be. You certainly have the potential inside for the success you desire.

I was speaking to someone recently who told me they wanted to be successful but they didn't know what to do or how to get started. The first thing to do to have the success you desire is to simply set a goal.

Plenty of people want to be successful without having a clear plan of how to get there. They don’t realize that setting and achieving one goal after another is the way to get to the success they seek.

Before you give up, take the time to really think about what is stopping you from completing your goal.

When we get excited about an idea or a goal we have, all kinds of obstacles and distractions will come up to prevent us from ac.hieving it. At my upcoming Goal Achievement Workshop, I will talk about how to knock those obstacles out of the way and succeed!

Here are a few reasons most people talk themselves out of completing their goals:

  • It will take a long time to get this done.

  • I’m not sure who would be interested in my product or service

  • I don’t have the money I need to pursue this goal.

  • What if I get started and no one likes what I am offering.

  • My family and friends don’t think I will be able to do it.

These reasons and many more will keep you right where you are, wishing, dreaming and hoping for things to get better.

One thing to always keep in mind is that you have the potential inside to achieve all of your goals regardless of any limits, obstacles or distractions that may get in your way.

You can do whatever it is you set out to do! You may not be aware of what you can do at this moment. However, know that anything is possible! You don't have to be perfect or know exactly how to do a particular thing before you start, you just have to make the decision to get started!

Join me next Saturday, August 19, at 3:00 PM EST at the Project Life Center for the resources we need to get started achieving personal and professional goals.

Click this link to register   

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Conquer 3 Important Things to Achieve Your Goals Now

Do you ever have the urge?

It is a constant feeling inside of you that makes you feel you should be doing something more with your life or making a living in a different way or just simply having more success.

If so, you are not alone.

Many people feel that there's got to be more to life or realize that they are meant to do something else.


If you fit this description, the first thing to do is to be grateful for where you are right now. Worrying and complaining about where you are in life, will keep you right where you don't want to be.

You must start from a place of gratitude.

Studies suggest that a positive, appreciative attitude contributes to greater success in work, better health, peak performance in sports and business. It also contributes to a higher sense of well-being, and a faster rate of recovery from health issues. When you are grateful for what you have, you will attract more to be grateful for.


Decide What You Want The second thing to do is to decide. Decide how important it is for you to go after your own goals and dreams. Some people are comfortable and content with working for someone else and helping them build a successful company. They are content with receiving a pay check every week or two in exchange for their knowledge and skills.

It’s commendable to make a living for yourself and your family while doing work you love. If you feel you should be doing something more, I want you to know that you absolutely can!

You also have to decide how much work you're willing to put into accomplishing your own dreams and goals, especially, if you find yourself working a full-time job. You have to be creative with the time you have available and devote it to creating your own success.

Strengthen Your Belief 

The third thing you will want to do to nurse that desire inside is to use your faith. Faith is a very powerful quality. When you believe and trust in something so strongly it develops into knowing.

There is a certain peacefulness and calmness in knowing what you know. I have noticed that people who have strong faith are not easily swayed by any negativity or obstacles that come their way. This is why having strong faith is so important when thriving to have a successful life.

Every single one of us has the potential inside to live the kind of life that we desire. Take a good look at your life, be grateful for what you have, decide what you want, and take a leap of faith.

It may not be easy to be grateful, stand by your decision and believe in yourself, but it is vital to achieve success.

JoAnn Youngblood King, CTA Certified Success Coach, Author, Speaker and Owner of Live Your Potential is a member of Coach Training Alliance, and The International Association of Coaches. She specializes in working with mom entrepreneurs to find the time needed to start their business or
take their existing business to the next level. To reach your immediate goals get strategic steps by subscribing to her newsletter to the right. For ways of achieving goals with your faith, JoAnn's book, Live Your Potential and Let Your Faith Lead You to Success available on Amazon.

Friday, June 2, 2017

The Power of Our Words

The words you hear and speak are vital to your success.

When I was younger, I was told by a family member that it wasn't necessary for me to go to college. Even though I did go to college, I never completed my degree. I often wondered if what I was told many years ago about college subconsciously kept me from graduating. We may not realize that the things we were told while growing up could hinder us from moving forward in the way that we desire, however it is very possible.

Many years ago, I saw a woman walking down the street with her daughter and just as they were passing by me I heard the little girl say, “Mommy, where are we going?” The woman replied, “Be quiet and just be happy you’re going somewhere!”

What struck me, initially, was the way the woman spoke to her daughter. However, what was more damaging was what she said. Being told something like this could be one of the reasons why some people walk around aimlessly, without knowing where they are headed in life or not even striving to do something to make their lives better.

I’m sure the intention of the little girl’s mother and my family member mentioned above was not to stop us from moving forward with our dreams and goals. On the other hand, messages such as these get filed right into our subconscious mind. They just sit there waiting for the exact moment when we are faced with an obstacle, a challenge or major life decision. Without knowing it, we may have given those words power over our life. As children, we may not have had any control over what we heard.  As adults, we have control over what we choose to take in and how we let it affect our life.

When striving to complete a goal or working toward your success in any endeavor, you will have major decisions to make and obstacles to overcome. You absolutely have the potential within to overcome every challenge you are faced with.

Negative words, whether you hear them or speak them can slow down your progress toward success. Here are two ways to knock out the negative messages that may be blocking your success:

Speak Positive 

To get rid of negative thoughts, you have to constantly plant good thoughts. The best way to plant good thoughts is to change the way you speak. This may sound very simple, however, speaking positively is one of the quickest ways to tap into your successful self.

In an effort to create more positive thoughts, I started changing the way I say things. I noticed that whenever I said the word "bills" I didn't really feel good. So, I started thinking about the debt I have and how I acquired these "bills" to begin with. I realized that I was given a privilege to enjoy and pay later. Now, when I talk about the debt or the bills that I have, I refer to them as "privileges to be reimbursed."  I started thinking about other words I hear people say in not such a positive way. Take the word "job" for instance. I've heard the word job being referred to more negatively than positively. I have even heard job used as an acronym for "Just Over Broke." I decided to give job a new meaning: Joyous Opportune Blessing. Making those changes definitely made a difference. Now, I have very little debt and rarely get mail requesting payment for privileges needing to be reimbursed.

Seek Out Positive People

It's absolutely necessary to be in the company of people who are supportive and interested in seeing you succeed. There may be times when you want to share your dreams, goals and ideas with your friends and family.  Your friends and family may not have a clear idea of everything you're trying to accomplish and how important it is to you. People in our lives tend to reflect back to us what is already in our thoughts. If you are determined and passionate about having the success you desire, you will attract positive people who will support you with your dreams and goals. Similarly, if you have a little doubt or fear about something you want to pursue, you will find someone to confirm those feelings as well.

Seek out positive people and get the positive support you need! Think about someone who you identify as having a positive influence in your life whether you know them personally or not. If you have a relationship with them already, take some time to meet or speak with them to discuss your goals. If you don't know them personally, get all the information you can to find out how you can arrange a meeting with them.

JoAnn Youngblood King, CTA Certified Success Coach, Author, Speaker and Owner of Live Your Potential is a member of Coach Training Alliance, and The International Association of Coaches. She specializes in working with mom entrepreneurs to find the time needed to start their business or
take their existing business to the next level. To reach your immediate goals get strategic steps by subscribing to her newsletter to the right. For ways of achieving goals with your faith, JoAnn's book, Live Your Potential and Let Your Faith Lead You to Success available on Amazon.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Turning Complaining into Appreciation Leads to Success

Recently I was complaining about being asked to do something that I didn't want to do. I mentioned it to a friend of mine and she said "Why don't you just appreciate the opportunity and discuss your concerns later." I decided to follow her advice. I told myself all types of positive reasons why I was being asked to do something I didn't think was my responsibility. I thought, obviously the person thought I was capable and really depended on me and my expertise. I began to appreciate the opportunity to do this particular task instead of complaining. I learned a valuable lesson about appreciation. When you show appreciation, not only do you feel better, your energy shifts to a higher level and you begin to attract good things.

Appreciate the health you have and that you are even able to read this article. Appreciate all of the accomplishments you have made in your life and that you have the ability to brighten someone's day or ask for help and support when you need it. With so much going on in the world and in our own lives, we must not forget to stop and simply have appreciation for where we are. Even with this awareness, I myself, have questioned, "How in the world can I be appreciative when my teenager is giving me attitude!" Because I realize the benefit in showing appreciation, I address my son's attitude by saying "You know son, I really appreciated how you spoke to me the other day. It really showed me how much you've grown." He changed his attitude instantly. This not only works with children, it works in any environment. If you find yourself complaining about something or someone, immediately look for something to appreciate about the person or the situation.

When you are striving for success there will be many obstacles and challenges to complain about. Change the complaining to appreciating! No matter what is going on right now in your part of the world, please appreciate where you are. Know that where you are is where you need to be in order to learn, grow and succeed!

“Sometimes we complain without thinking much of it, but the frightening thing about complaining is that every time we do, a cloud descends over our heart, and our hope, appreciation and joy gradually wane.” – Daisaku Ikeda

“If we give out thoughts of grouchiness and complaining, etc., we’ll find more to complain about. If we send out love and affirm ‘life loves me’, then we are drawing experiences to ourselves that prove it’s true.” – Louise Hay

Seeking help activating your potential? Join my free text message program to say on track and realize your dreams. Click on the image below and signup for my free action-step messages.

JoAnn Youngblood King, CTA Certified Success Coach, Author, Speaker and Owner of Live Your Potential is a member of Coach Training Alliance, and The International Association of Coaches. She specializes in working with mom entrepreneurs to find the time needed to start their business or
take their existing business to the next level. To reach your immediate goals get strategic steps by subscribing to her newsletter to the right. For ways of achieving goals with your faith, JoAnn's book, Live Your Potential and Let Your Faith Lead You to Success available on Amazon.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

You Have the Potential to Achieve Your Dreams

We all want to be happy, healthy and successful. That is something we all have in common regardless of our background, age, gender or beliefs. The other thing we have in common is that we all have the potential within to create that happiness, good health and success in our lives. Basically, we already have within, everything we need to succeed.
American abolitionist, Harriet Tubman, was quoted saying "Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world."

Do you believe that quote?

We all dream. However, not everyone who dreams and has goals and aspirations actually believe that they can be achieved.

When I was a teenager, I sold things and provided services for people in my neighborhood. I came to love helping people. The actions I took based on my love of helping others eventually led to me being a success coach. I never dreamed about becoming an author. Matter of fact, writing was never a strong area of mine. However, once I did decide to write a book, I was able to do it because the potential to do it was there all along; I just had to apply the steps. You have the same potential within.
If you have a desire to do something, and you are really passionate about it and determined to do it, know that it can be done. All it takes is a little bit of confidence, lots of faith and the courage to take the necessary action steps. You already have the potential within to succeed at what you want to do.
Don't put limits on your potential! Whatever you want to do with your life, it's possible. That business you want to start is possible! That book you want to write is possible! The relationship you desire is possible! You have the potential within for great success!

Seeking help activating your potential? Join my text message program to say on track and realize your dreams. Click on the image below and signup for my free action-step messages.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Don't Lose Sight of Your Personal Dreams and Goals

I’ve worked for someone else for over 30 years of my life in a full-time capacity. That’s a long time to invest in something other than the dreams and goals I have for myself. However, working for a company or someone else's business is not an uncommon thing. Being able to provide for yourself and your family is absolutely necessary and its great when you can do that while working in a nice, comfortable and drama free environment. If you are happy and satisfied with what you are doing to earn a living, that’s wonderful!

In my experience, most people are not satisfied with their day jobs and we become comfortable with helping someone else achieve their career goals, while we allow them to give us just enough money and benefits to keep helping them to succeed. Therefore, we can get so preoccupied with working a day job that it distracts us from pursuing our personal dreams and goals.

One thing you must realize and stay constantly aware of is that you have the potential within to be successful and live the life of your dreams.

Here are 3 tips to help you get started with accomplishing your dreams and goals while working a day job.

  1. Purchase a Journal. Writing down your dreams and goals is a great first step to make toward achievement. It helps you to see what it is you intend to accomplish. When you review your dreams and goals daily it provides a certain level of focus and motivation for you to keep moving forward.

  2. Utilize Social Media. This is another wonderful action step to take towards your dreams and goals. Being on Social Media, gives you an opportunity to learn everything you need to in your desired interest. You are also able to connect with like-minded individuals to learn from or to acquire potential clients. Conducting your business online can be done in the comfort of your own home or anywhere you can connect.

  3. Hire a Success Coach. Being a coach myself, I can say that this is the most important tip to getting your dreams and goals accomplished. I, personally, accomplish so much more when I am working together with my coach. I love the support, new ideas and strategies that I did not know that help me expand my thinking. It helps me through obstacles that may block my accomplishment at the time.
We all have different responsibilities and circumstances and some are more challenging than others. If you have a deep desire and belief that there is something more you must do in life, know that it is possible. There is truth to the old saying, "Where there is a will, there is a way."

If a motivational reminder will be helpful to you, consider joining my text message program. Click this link to signup and you will receive my free motivational text messages to your phone every Monday, Wednesday and Friday Live Your Potential's Motivational Messages.

JoAnn Youngblood King, CTA Certified Success Coach, Author, Speaker and Owner of Live Your Potential is a member of Coach Training Alliance, and The International Association of Coaches. She specializes in working with mom entrepreneurs to find the time needed to start their business or take their existing business to the next level. To reach your immediate goals get strategic steps by subscribing to her newsletter to the right. For ways of achieving goals with your faith, JoAnn's new book is released, Live Your Potential and Let Your Faith Lead You to Success available on Amazon.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

We Succeed at Everything We ‘Do’

What have you succeeded at doing lately?

We all have different ways of how we define success for ourselves. The dictionary says success is the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors. Many years ago I learned that we all have the potential inside to be as successful as we want to be. That message has become my mantra. I have made it my mission to help others realize this point as well.

Most people are not aware of the wonderful potential they have within to be successful. Recently, I was speaking to a friend of mine about success and she said

"actually, we succeed at everything we do."

I thought that was an interesting idea about success. She was right! I have a goal that I've talked about accomplishing for a whole year. In my mind, I simply have not accomplished it yet.

The more I thought about it, I realized that I had succeeded at talking about and making people aware of my goal. I didn't take any specific action directly related with doing exactly what I intended to do.

The only action I took was talking about it! Wow!

I'm grateful that I am in the company of people who I can have uplifting conversations and positive talks about success with. You can be so easily taken off track while in pursuit of your dreams and goals. Thinking about and talking about your dreams and goals are definitely a first step.

However, to actually achieve them, you must take action. Taking action is the key to your success.

Many years ago, Jazz musician, Herbie Hancock mentioned on a television program,

" soon as people latch on to something where people will say hey that's really good, then they want to stay there because that's security, that's acceptance and they feel comfortable...they don't want to move outside of their comfort zone, but the hip stuff is outside of the comfort zone."

The life of your dreams, the "hip stuff" is waiting right outside of your comfort zone.

You can become very comfortable with thinking and talking about your goals. It's time to jump out of your comfort zone and take action to achieve your dreams and goals now!

JoAnn Youngblood King, CTA Certified Success Coach, Author, Speaker and Owner of Live Your Potential is a member of Coach Training Alliance, and The International Association of Coaches. She specializes in working with mom entrepreneurs to find the time needed to start their business or take their existing business to the next level. To reach your immediate goals get strategic steps by subscribing to her newsletter to the right. For ways of achieving goals with your faith, JoAnn's new book is released, Live Your Potential and Let Your Faith Lead You to Success available on Amazon.