Have you ever decided to purchase something and you knew you would have to take the money from your savings in order to do it? You may have thought to yourself "Oh, I can put extra into my savings next month". Whether that is the best course of action or not is a personal thing. However, the point is, you found a way to get what you wanted done. Well, that is called using your creativity.
If you have a goal to reach or a great idea, get moving on it! Make it happen! Only see yourself succeeding! Put your creativity to work! If you are determined to make it work, it will.
When I was working on the cover design for my book, my plan was to have a mirror on the cover. By adding the mirror, I wanted the reader to know that the person holding and reading the book is "the next top success story". I looked around for publishers and designers that would help me with my vision of having a mirror on the cover. When I was ready to publish the book, I still had not found a way to have a mirror on the cover. I didn't let anything stop me from having it the way I wanted. I simply allowed my creative juices to flow and decided to order mirrored labels to put on each book manually. Even though, my book is being sold at different stores online without the actual mirrored label, my clients and those who order directly from me, have mirrored labels on their books.
Please realize that you have the potential to create the type of success you desire. You are naturally creative. Turn any challenges you are faced with into opportunties to use your creativity.
"I merely took the energy it takes to pout and wrote some blues." -- Duke Ellington
"When starting out, don't worry about not having enough money. Limited funds are a blessing, not a curse. Nothing encourages creative thinking in quite the same way." -- H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
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