Live Your Potential Blog

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Wanting Success

I'm sure that you want to have a happy and successful life. How much do you want it? Do you want it enough to just keep saying you want it or are you actually taking action to have the life you want? Please know that it is possible for you to have the life of your dreams. It's all up to you! So, if you really, really want it, you must quickly change that wanting to determination, discipline and action!

 There is nothing wrong with wanting something. However, please be careful not to get hung up on the wanting. I hear people on a daily basis saying what they want. "I want a new job", "I want a car", "I want a lot of money", "I want to get married, etc. What I have learned is that constantly saying that you want something only keeps you in the state of wanting. The same holds true for needing. It only affirms the fact that you don't have whatever it is you're seeking.  Also, what usually goes along with the wanting and needing are the reasons why you can not have whatever it is you desire. Your determination to succeed, the discipline you have and your consistant actions will get you through any dark clouds of obstacles, and keep you focused on your dreams.

Please pay attention to your language when on the path to the life of your dreams. Just making a little change in a statement can make a world of difference. For example, saying "I want a new job" is very different from saying "I'm determine to have a new job", "I'm getting a new job." or I will make 5 calls everyday towards getting my new job." The latter statements bring a whole new energy to the table and you even feel better about your approach to getting a new job.

"As soon as you stop wanting something, you get it." -- Andy Warhol

"Everybody will get their wants, when they heartily want." -- Santosh Kalwar

"Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it." -- Jack Canfield

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