Live Your Potential Blog

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

You Are Here to do Something Special

You are here to do something special. Yes, there will always be challenges in life. This is a fact! There are things we can't escape.  We all will get sick at some point, even if it just the common cold.  We all will get older and we all will come to the end of our life.  With that said, you were born for a reason.

You were born with the potential within to create a successful life for yourself and help others to do the same....just as you are.  Have you noticed that there are some public figures that you might be interested in while others are not? We all tend to gravitate toward different teachers, mentors, leaders, philosophies and religions, for different reasons. Similarly, there are people who are seeking value that only you can offer them.

There is a person or a group of people whose lives will be transformed for the better because of you.  You can change someone's life in a powerful way! You are a light for people who are in the dark! You are a shining successful example for those who are lost. You may be a diamond in the rough however, you are still a diamond. Take responsibility for your uniqueness and what you have to offer. No one else can fulfill your unique life calling.

You have the potential inside for great success! Please don't let your wonderful potential go to waste.  It’s time to realize your potential, make the choice to believe it, be grateful for it, take action by getting the help and support you need to unleash it! 

“Life has given everyone something unique, be smart enough to figure it out and use it properly.” – Charith Podi Keven 

“Help others achieve their dreams and you will achieve yours.” – Les Brown

“Never underestimate your ability to make someone else’s life better – even if you never know it.” – Greg Louganis

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