Live Your Potential Blog

Friday, September 5, 2014

Get Rid of Your Fears!

I recently reconnected with an old friend of mine.  I learned that she has just received a Doctorate Degree.  I am overjoyed and not at all surprised by her success.  

I remembered my friend saying, during a conversation many years ago that she had a fear of success.  When I reminded her of that, she said that she was able to block out that thought about success.  She now believes that there is nothing one cannot do! How wonderful!

My friend wasn't the only one I had heard that statement from over the years. There are many people today who have that same fear.  Please don't let any fears you have block you from your goals and dreams.  There is definitely a way to get from where you are now to where you want to be.

Here are 5 sure fire ways to help you get rid of your fears and become the success you have the potential to be!

1. Become Aware of Your Potential.  

You have the potential inside for great success.  How do you know that? Well, have you ever said to yourself that you wanted to do something you thought would be difficult to do and you ended up doing it anyway?  If you answered yes, it's because you already had the potential to do it. No matter how hard you thought it would be; No matter how much money you thought it would take; No matter who said you couldn't do it, you did it anyway! Because you already had the potential inside to do it! The awareness of your potential gets stronger as you accomplish one goal after another. That awareness will lead you to the success you desire.

2. Surrender

The spiritual principle of surrender is not about giving up.  It is the act of letting go; the acknowledgment of the power of spiritual activity.  Practicing surrender will help you to stop worrying, complaining and agonizing over problems or situations.  Let go of any thoughts or obstacles you believe are stopping you from accomplishing your goals.   

3.  Trust

Trust is something we do naturally.  Trust in yourself and your ability to become successful.  You trust that your body will function the way its suppose to.  You trust that you will receive a paycheck from your job on payday.  Trust that the decisions you make are the right ones for you.  Through your faith, trust that you will be provided with everything you need.  Trust in yourself and your ability to become successful.

4. Move Beyond Your Fears

Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real. Basically, that means what we fear, is not real; it has not happened.  So, in essence, we really fear nothing.  When you fear something, not only are you focusing on what you don't want but you are fearful of something that may not ever happen. Now is the time to let go of any fears you have.  

5. Persevere

Perseverance means persistent action in spite of fears of difficulties.  People who persevere become successful because they learn from their mistakes and keep moving forward regardless.  When something doesn't work, try again and again. Don't stop until it is done. 

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