Live Your Potential Blog

Thursday, August 10, 2017

How to Think and Reach Your Success

Have you reached your level of success? If not, are you on your way? If so, great!

Don't let anything stand in your way.

If the answer is no, there is no reason why you shouldn't be. You certainly have the potential inside for the success you desire.

I was speaking to someone recently who told me they wanted to be successful but they didn't know what to do or how to get started. The first thing to do to have the success you desire is to simply set a goal.

Plenty of people want to be successful without having a clear plan of how to get there. They don’t realize that setting and achieving one goal after another is the way to get to the success they seek.

Before you give up, take the time to really think about what is stopping you from completing your goal.

When we get excited about an idea or a goal we have, all kinds of obstacles and distractions will come up to prevent us from ac.hieving it. At my upcoming Goal Achievement Workshop, I will talk about how to knock those obstacles out of the way and succeed!

Here are a few reasons most people talk themselves out of completing their goals:

  • It will take a long time to get this done.

  • I’m not sure who would be interested in my product or service

  • I don’t have the money I need to pursue this goal.

  • What if I get started and no one likes what I am offering.

  • My family and friends don’t think I will be able to do it.

These reasons and many more will keep you right where you are, wishing, dreaming and hoping for things to get better.

One thing to always keep in mind is that you have the potential inside to achieve all of your goals regardless of any limits, obstacles or distractions that may get in your way.

You can do whatever it is you set out to do! You may not be aware of what you can do at this moment. However, know that anything is possible! You don't have to be perfect or know exactly how to do a particular thing before you start, you just have to make the decision to get started!

Join me next Saturday, August 19, at 3:00 PM EST at the Project Life Center for the resources we need to get started achieving personal and professional goals.

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