Do you ever have the urge?
It is a constant feeling inside of you that makes you feel you should be doing something more with your life or making a living in a different way or just simply having more success.
If so, you are not alone.
Many people feel that there's got to be more to life or realize that they are meant to do something else.
If you fit this description, the first thing to do is to be grateful for where you are right now. Worrying and complaining about where you are in life, will keep you right where you don't want to be.You must start from a place of gratitude.
Studies suggest that a positive, appreciative attitude contributes to greater success in work, better health, peak performance in sports and business. It also contributes to a higher sense of well-being, and a faster rate of recovery from health issues. When you are grateful for what you have, you will attract more to be grateful for.
Decide What You Want The second thing to do is to decide. Decide how important it is for you to go after your own goals and dreams. Some people are comfortable and content with working for someone else and helping them build a successful company. They are content with receiving a pay check every week or two in exchange for their knowledge and skills.It’s commendable to make a living for yourself and your family while doing work you love. If you feel you should be doing something more, I want you to know that you absolutely can!
You also have to decide how much work you're willing to put into accomplishing your own dreams and goals, especially, if you find yourself working a full-time job. You have to be creative with the time you have available and devote it to creating your own success.
Strengthen Your Belief
The third thing you will want to do to nurse that desire inside is to use your faith. Faith is a very powerful quality. When you believe and trust in something so strongly it develops into knowing.There is a certain peacefulness and calmness in knowing what you know. I have noticed that people who have strong faith are not easily swayed by any negativity or obstacles that come their way. This is why having strong faith is so important when thriving to have a successful life.
Every single one of us has the potential inside to live the kind of life that we desire. Take a good look at your life, be grateful for what you have, decide what you want, and take a leap of faith.
It may not be easy to be grateful, stand by your decision and believe in yourself, but it is vital to achieve success.

JoAnn Youngblood King, CTA Certified Success Coach, Author, Speaker and Owner of Live Your Potential is a member of Coach Training Alliance, and The International Association of Coaches. She specializes in working with mom entrepreneurs to find the time needed to start their business or
take their existing business to the next level. To reach your immediate goals get strategic steps by subscribing to her newsletter to the right. For ways of achieving goals with your faith, JoAnn's book, Live Your Potential and Let Your Faith Lead You to Success available on Amazon.