Appreciate the health you have and that you are even able to read this article. Appreciate all of the accomplishments you have made in your life and that you have the ability to brighten someone's day or ask for help and support when you need it. With so much going on in the world and in our own lives, we must not forget to stop and simply have appreciation for where we are. Even with this awareness, I myself, have questioned, "How in the world can I be appreciative when my teenager is giving me attitude!" Because I realize the benefit in showing appreciation, I address my son's attitude by saying "You know son, I really appreciated how you spoke to me the other day. It really showed me how much you've grown." He changed his attitude instantly. This not only works with children, it works in any environment. If you find yourself complaining about something or someone, immediately look for something to appreciate about the person or the situation.
When you are striving for success there will be many obstacles and challenges to complain about. Change the complaining to appreciating! No matter what is going on right now in your part of the world, please appreciate where you are. Know that where you are is where you need to be in order to learn, grow and succeed!
“Sometimes we complain without thinking much of it, but the frightening thing about complaining is that every time we do, a cloud descends over our heart, and our hope, appreciation and joy gradually wane.” – Daisaku Ikeda
“If we give out thoughts of grouchiness and complaining, etc., we’ll find more to complain about. If we send out love and affirm ‘life loves me’, then we are drawing experiences to ourselves that prove it’s true.” – Louise Hay
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JoAnn Youngblood King, CTA Certified Success Coach, Author, Speaker and Owner of Live Your Potential is a member of Coach Training Alliance, and The International Association of Coaches. She specializes in working with mom entrepreneurs to find the time needed to start their business or
take their existing business to the next level. To reach your immediate goals get strategic steps by subscribing to her newsletter to the right. For ways of achieving goals with your faith, JoAnn's book, Live Your Potential and Let Your Faith Lead You to Success available on Amazon.
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