Live Your Potential Blog

Friday, June 3, 2016

How to Be Your Team’s Example

There are many people who try to convince others to do what they say or to believe what they believe. It's important for you to know that the real way to convince someone of something is to show them with your actions. Your actions really do speak louder than your words. When we think of some spiritual leaders of the world, we may choose to believe or follow what they have said, however I believe we are much more in awe with how they lived their life.

What do you believe?

What do you stand for?

It's not what you say; it's how you live your life that speaks volumes.

As an entrepreneur, you may decide to find a mentor to help you achieve the successful life you desire. Would you rather have a mentor that tells you what you should do or a mentor who shows you with their own life how you can accomplish your goals. It would be in your best interest to find someone who is walking the talk instead of just talking the talk. I've heard parents say to their children "Do what I say, not what I do!"

Regardless of that request, most of the time, children end up doing what their parents do, instead of listening to what they say to do. If you find yourself complaining about the way someone else is living their life, instead of complaining, focus on you! Make sure that you are doing your best to be a good example. Don't talk about it, be about it!

Being a great example to others is one of the greatest gifts you can give them!

Be the example of your faith! Be the example of your values!

Be the example of what you would like to see in others. You can make a bigger impact on the lives of others when you lead by example.

Good leaders must lead by example. Through their actions, which are aligned with what they say, they become a person others want to follow. When leaders say one thing but do another, they erode trust, a critical element of productive leadership. Here are just 10 of the many of ways to lead by example:

  1. Take responsibility. Blame costs you your credibility, keeps team members on the defensive and ultimately sabotages real growth.
  2. Be truthful. Inaccurate representation affects everyone. Show that honesty really IS the best policy.
  3. Be courageous. Walk through fire (a crisis) first. Take calculated risks that demonstrate commitment to a larger purpose.
  4. Acknowledge failure. It makes it OK for your team to do the same and defines failure as part of the process of becoming extraordinary.
  5. Be persistent. Try, try again. Go over, under or around any hurdles to show that obstacles don’t define your company or team.
  6. Create solutions. Don’t dwell on problems; instead be the first to offer solutions and then ask your team for more.
  7. Listen. Ask questions. Seek to understand. You’ll receive valuable insights and set a tone that encourages healthy dialogue.
  8. Delegate liberally. Encourage an atmosphere in which people can focus on their core strengths.
  9. Take care of yourself. Exercise, don’t overwork, and take breaks. A balanced team, mentally and physically, is a successful team. Model it, encourage it, support it!
  10. Roll up your sleeves. Like Martin Luther King leading people to overcome injustice, you’ll inspire greatness in your company.
"Setting an example is not the main means of influencing another, it is the only means." -- Albert Einstein

"A good example is the best sermon." – Thomas Fuller



Faith Dialogue Series
What Are You Doing with Your Potential
Saturday, June 11, 2016 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM EST
Click here to get the call-in details