We all want to be
loved, accepted and respected for the choices we make. Because of
those desires, it's necessary to be aware of laws and principles like, the Law
of Cause and Effect or What You Sow, You Will Reap. When you give love,
acceptance and respect to others, it will come back to you.
starts on the inside first. Do you love yourself? I sure hope so! At your core
you are love! Even though it may not seem that way at times, the love
is there. Understanding and knowing this is extremely important. When you
are aware that everyone is love, you're able to deal with people in a much more
positive way.
When you accept
yourself for the wonderful, beautiful and talented person you are, every
person, who comes into your life, has no choice but to follow your lead and
accept you for the same reasons.
Self-respect is
absolutely necessary when on the path to success. We've seen many examples of
those who lack self-respect from the employee who gets dumped on by her boss
every day to the entrepreneur who listens to the advice of family members when
they tell him he is wasting his time trying to build a business. When you
know who you are and respect yourself, you will not let anyone devalue or
degrade you.
At times, we
let what is happening outside of us cause us to forget about what is happening
on the inside. Focus your attention on what is inside of you. There you
will find, your power to make the choices that will benefit you and others; the
will to persevere when you have to do a task you are not particularly fond of; the
wisdom to make the right decisions concerning a sick loved one; the
faith you need to succeed in any endeavor. You will find your potential for
greatness and success.

For ways of achieving goals with your faith, JoAnn's new book is released, Live Your Potential and Let Your Faith Lead You to Success available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.